Grow your audience on LinkedIn using AI

5X your audience by leveraging our AI tool

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Growing your LinkedIn has not been the easiest of tasks. Until now.

Try our amazing AI tool and supercharge your LinkedIn activity. Get inspired, create, draft, schedule and automate your posts. Start growing your follower network today with our linkedin marketing solution and gain more followers!

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Since we just launched our website, we are offering lifetime membership to the first 100 people that join our platform. Get our Platinum membership for life right now!

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Build your personal brand on LinkedIn

This is the perfect tool for marketers and influencers

Create content fast, and schedule!

Create content 5x faster than you used before. Our AI gives you lots of option, including generating ideas, finishing post, correcting grammar, carousels, scheduling. Create content fastest.

Engage with your network

With the help of our Chrome Extension you will be able to use our AI tool to post comments 5x times faster than you used to before. Post comments faster, generate questions or simply casual comment.

Increase your follower base

With constant posting and headline generating you will be able to engage more, and by commenting more you will attract more followers. Supercharge your follower base and increase it 5x.

Download Chrome Extension

In order to interact with your network you need the PostCraftAI Chrome Extension. This lets you post comments 5 times faster than before by leveraging AI into writing or suggesting comments for you.

Features of our Linkedin automation tool

LinkedIn Create a Post

With our tool you can create and manage posts for your Linkedin Account using AI. Enhance your marketing strategy with an amazing tool and generate Linkedin Text Posts. Just use the linkedin connect feature.

Best Time to Post

We offer suggestions when are the best times to post on Linkedin and suggest you a posting schedule. Our tool follows the best practices and create planned posts so you can grow your Linkedin page.

Scheduled Posts

The dashboard lets you schedule your LinkedIn posts and create draft posts. As well as suggest the best time to post on Linkedin. Also the app allows you to check your Linkedin post preview.

Login with LinkedIn

Our app lets you connect your linked in account to your dashboard and you will not need to use so much the linkedin login page to post your articles or posts. As well as suggesting your best headline.

Grow your profile

A good linkedin profile has many followers and lots of impressions. With our tool you can grow your profile page to awesome heights. Try our cloud based linkedin automation software and try our post templates and grow your profile.

Engage AI

PostCraftAI engages and leverages AI with the help of Chat GPT4 in order to create ideas, viral content through an automation feature and scheduled feature. On top of that it gives you the best linkedin profile tips. With us you get one of the best linkedin marketing automation tools.

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