Going Viral: Write LinkedIn Posts People Want to Share

In the last few years, starting even before the pandemic, LinkedIn has evolved from a mere professional networking site to a powerful content platform where ideas spread, influencers are born, and brands are built. With over 800 million users, creating content that resonates and encourages shares can significantly enhance your professional reputation and visibility. Crafting posts that go viral on LinkedIn isn’t just about luck; it’s about understanding your audience, engaging effectively, and using strategic tactics to increase your reach. Here’s your complete guide to writing LinkedIn posts that people can’t help but share.

Understand Your Audience

Before you type the first word of your LinkedIn post, you need to know who you’re writing for. LinkedIn is home to professionals across countless industries, but not all content appeals to everyone. Successful content creators tailor their posts to specific segments of LinkedIn’s diverse user base.

1. Identify Your Target Audience

Begin by defining your target demographic. Are they industry leaders, mid-career professionals, recent graduates, or perhaps job seekers? Understanding the professional level and interests of your audience will guide the tone and content of your post.

2. Understand Their Needs and Interests

What challenges does your audience face? What insights can you offer that will resonate with them? A post that addresses common pain points, offers solutions, or provides valuable insights is more likely to be shared.

3. Monitor Trends

Pay attention to trending topics within your industry on LinkedIn. Utilizing trending hashtags or jumping into relevant conversations can increase the visibility and shareability of your posts.

Crafting the Content

Content is king, and on LinkedIn, this is particularly true. The substance of your post will determine whether it merely informs or truly inspires and spreads.

1. Start with a Strong Hook

Your opening lines are crucial. Start with a compelling question, a surprising fact, or a bold statement to grab attention right away. Your first few sentences should make it clear why someone should continue reading.

2. Keep It Clear and Concise

LinkedIn is a professional platform, so clear and concise communication is prized. Avoid jargon unless it is common in your field, and break up longer thoughts into digestible chunks.

3. Use a Relatable Tone

Even in a professional context, people crave human connection. Write in a conversational tone. Let your personality come through in a way that maintains professionalism but feels accessible and relatable.

4. Incorporate Storytelling

Stories not only increase engagement but also make your content more memorable and shareable. Share personal anecdotes or client stories (with permission) that highlight real-world applications of your insights.

Enhancing Engagement

Engagement breeds engagement. The more your post is interacted with, the more likely it is to be seen and shared by others outside your immediate network.

1. Encourage Interaction

Ask questions, invite opinions, and suggest that readers share their own experiences related to your post topic. This not only increases the engagement rate but also builds a community around your content.

2. Respond to Comments

Actively engage with people who comment on your posts. A quick thank you for a comment or an answer to a question can make your audience feel valued and foster further sharing. This makes your profile visible and more people tend to follow you if you have interesting things to say. That in time gives you ideas to use on various posts that can become viral. And along with postcraftai you can get the best combination between ideas and AI and post the most viral posts. Check our the pricing of our LinkedIn AI tool.

3. Use Visuals

Posts with images, videos, or infographics typically perform better in terms of engagement than text-only posts. Visuals should be professional and relevant to the content.

Timing and Consistency

The timing of your post can greatly affect its visibility and shareability.

1. Best Times to Post

Generally, the best times to post on LinkedIn are during business hours, early mornings, or lunch breaks when professionals are most likely to check their updates. However, testing different times can help you pinpoint the optimal moment for your audience.

2. Consistency Is Key

Regular posting keeps you on your audience’s radar and helps build a loyal following. Consistency in quality and frequency ensures that your network sees you as a reliable source of information.

Leveraging Networks

Finally, don’t underestimate the power of networks in spreading your LinkedIn content.

1. Tag Relevant People and Companies

When appropriate, tag individuals or companies you mention in your posts. This can increase your visibility, especially if those tagged engage with the post.

2. Share Across Platforms

Promote your LinkedIn posts on other social media platforms to draw in a broader audience. Likewise, encourage colleagues and friends to share your post within their networks.


Going viral on LinkedIn is not just about hitting the ‘post’ button. It requires an understanding of your audience, crafting compelling and engaging content, fostering interactions, timing your posts strategically, and leveraging your professional networks. By employing these strategies, you’re not just sharing another post; you’re starting conversations, building relationships, and establishing a thought leadership presence that resonates across the professional world.